Job-hopping Gen Y`s get the raw redundancy deal
Released on: September 29, 2008, 3:40 am
Press Release Author: Media Jems
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: With news that HSBC is the latest to announce substantial job losses, many highly valuable Generation Y employees across the UK may be unfairly lost due to their perceived job-hopping mentality, according to leadership consultancy Dynamic Transitions.
Press Release Body: There is much discussion over the emerging trends of Generation Y employees, most importantly the disappearance of a �job for life� approach to employment and Dynamic Transitions MD Judith Germain believes that this, combined with increasingly tight market conditions, is forcing out some of the most talented younger individuals and potential successors, in a bid to keep costs down.
�Generation Y individuals tend to change jobs frequently in their search for personal development and a company that shares their same values. The talented ones understand that they will have many jobs and indeed careers in their working life, so they feel little loyalty to the company and are more interested in what the company can do for them�, explains Germain.
This sentiment is reflected in a recent survey into Generation Y employees which suggested that the average length they stayed in a position was under two years and a panel for the Association of Women in Technology revealed that Millennial (Gen Y) workers actually feel they are discriminated against due to their age.
�The �always-moving� approach to working life displayed by Generation Y employees can put them at a huge disadvantage when it comes to the securing of jobs, especially in an environment when big companies are downsizing to save costs and �older� managers interpret many jobs on the CV as lack of commitment or fickleness of the employee�, adds Germain.
Germain believes that the distinct clash of culture between X & Y generations is the primary cause of talented Gen Y job losses and says �at the moment �Y� are generally �workforce�, with �X� being �the managers�, so they are already at a disadvantage as their approach to working life is markedly different�.
Dynamic Transitions is a leadership company specialising in working with Troublesome Talent � and improving leadership performance within organisations. The full version of their recently released whitepaper �The Generation Game: How to manage a new generation of Mavericks� can be downloaded from
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Contact Details: Jenna Gould Media Jems 25 Bank Plain Norwich Norfolk NR2 4SF
01603 283503
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